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Fortune/ favors/ the/ prepared/ mind.
直訳福は/ 好む/ その/ 準備のできた/ 精神を。う~ん格好いい文だと思ったのに訳すと台無し。要するに “幸福がやってくるのが明らかでないうちからチャンスを予想して準備を整えている者にこそ幸福はやってくる” という意味でしょうから、“先見の明” あたりが相当することわざでしょう。笑っていても寝て待ってても来てくれそうな気配はしませんし。一問だけではもの足りず、第二問いきます。Q2)絶好の/ チャンスは/ 最悪の/ タイミングで/ やってくる。これは中学時代にテツに教えてもらって読んだ “マーフィーの法則” という本で見つけた文。直訳Perfect/ chance/ comes with/ the worst/ timing.
でも Perfect chance を再直訳すると “完璧な偶然” と言う意味でちょっとずれてしまいます。そもそも直訳と言いつつ和製英語のチャンスを chance としたのが間違い。 好機 機会 といった意味での チャンスは opportunity.
次に “やってくる” ですが、文法上 come で問題はないものの、come は一般的によく使われすぎてなんと言いますか、こう “絶好のチャンス” が最悪の事態に、しかもひょっこりとすっトボケた顔してのこのこやってくる感じがでないんです。ここであがった候補たちは select, choose, wait, like, love, meet など。“絶好のチャンスは最悪のタイミングを待っている” という方向に持っていこうとしたんです。が、もっと適切な動詞がありました。それは fall。
Perfect/ oppotunity/ falls on/ the worst/ timing.
悪いタイミングでやって来るのではありません、“最悪の” タイミングなのですから、より可能性が低いはずなのに… といった印象を受けます。それで通行人の上を通過した鳥が彼/女の頭にばっちりとフンをひっかける運の悪さという (私の勝手な) イメージを連想させる fall に決定しました。
そういえば “タイミング” も立派な和製英語でしたので moment に改め、
おまけにその運の悪さと滑稽さをより強調する為に、日本語の “ど真ん中” の “ど”、“まっ最中” の “まっ”、“すっ転ぶ” の “すっ” にあたる right を取り入れて、the worst を言い換えます。
Perfest/ oppotunity/ falls on/ right in the wrong / moment.
締めくくりに(ここがもっとも素晴らしい思いつきです)、ちょっと “絶好のチャンス” をヒトヒネリいきます。 “絶好のチャンス” は四字熟語で “千載一遇”。
と、これをシメシメと one-in-thousand に変換。“万が一” も考えましたが、なんだかネガティブな臭いがするのと、どうせ万を和訳しても10,000 (ten thousand) になってしまうので即却下。ということで、
One-in-thousand/ oppotunity/ falls on/ right in the wrong / moment.
倉骨彰 訳
Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune moment. でした。

I'm working on my portfolio for Mel Ferris Scholarship. I'm trying to make one with only architecture stuff, but I can't let go of these two drawings from Berkeley Summer Session 2003.
Sky and Dylan were listening to his shows quite often back in garage days. It took me while to start liking them, but now I'm so happy that I comprehend English to appreciate his shows.
"A Special Family" is one of my favorites. With slow music against intense pacing, he talks about a life of a girl who does not spend happy childhood. When she grows up, she marries a man who has lived in a shadow of his superstar brother. With the desperate hope of not making a same mistake that their parents made, the couple PLANs out their unborn children's happy life maticulously. But they make every single mistake they could ever make and the family falls apart in the end. The short plotline shows the sense of irony that audience clearly understands what those protagonists are doing wrong. Just fabulous!
Ryan's parents said that raising children is like playing pin-ball game where only controling method is to prevent balls from going one extreme or the other.

Stephanie Smith's Vertical Studio. Starting from case study of Archigram, I'm going to deal with very small dwelling units. I'm interested in how to COMPLETE the comfortable (active, inspirational...and so forth) environment for single family residences. It's interesting to play with minimum Utopian units and learn the concept behind them.
At this point (fourth year), nobody really think the challenge in class is "assignment". Instructors are flexible to accommodate with each student's interest. So, take it easy...and have fun!
Here is the yurt she is getting ready to put on a market.

I'm messing around with RhinoVB scripting. I don't know how far I can go, but thinking that I had never even typed a paper until a couple of years ago, it's fun to think that I advanced :) It's not a good idea to familiarize myself to the operation of a certain software, since technology advances so quick. Rather I should be comfortable with learning softwares. There never is a case I have to start from scratch. What I learned in Photoshop helped me to pick up Illustrator. And Illustrator and AutoCAD are helping me using VectorWorks at office. One thing is that to use multiple softwares at a same time confuses me with navigation.