October 29, 2010

Nejibana (Twisting Flower)

さて。やっぱり単調に色を変えるだけじゃなくて情報も pass していかなければ物足りないので、カーブが急なほどゴールカラーに近づく、というのはどうでしょうか。

直行でゴールカラーになる、と決めてしまうと緩やかな曲線では変化が見られなくなってしまうので Loop 一周目で総当たり戦で AngleMax を返し、Loop 二周目で Angle/AngleMax の率に応じて色を変えてあります。これに前回のN次関数の変化率を組み合わせてみました。

'color blender according to angle
Dim aR, aG, aB 'factor for quadratic function
Dim t 'function
t = 3

aR = (gR-sR)/ (UBound(arr_str_tangent))^t
aG = (gG-sG)/ (UBound(arr_str_tangent))^t
aB = (gB-sB)/ (UBound(arr_str_tangent))^t

'with angle + quadratic
R = sR + Round(aR * ((UBound(arr_str_tangent))*( dbl_angle(0)/dbl_angle_max ))^t )
G = sG + Round(aG * ((UBound(arr_str_tangent))*( dbl_angle(0)/dbl_angle_max ))^t )
B = sB + Round(aB * ((UBound(arr_str_tangent))*( dbl_angle(0)/dbl_angle_max ))^t )

Call Rhino.ObjectColor( str_tangent, RGB(R,G,B) )
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw( True )

Blend Color


Line1 は1次関数。Line2 は3次関数。Line3 は10次関数での変化率になっています。次数を上げるほど色が変わり始めるのが遅くなり、変わり方が急激になります。ちょこっと計算してはいますが、最後はちゃんと RGB に入るように Round() で integer にしてあります。

仕事で役に立つのでしょうか... 知りません知りません。

'blend color with polynomial function
Dim aR, aG, aB 'factor for polynomial function
Dim dbl_xR_step, dbl_xG_step, dbl_xB_step
Dim t 'function
t = 3

dbl_xR_step = (gR-sR)/((UBound(arr_str_tangent)))
dbl_xG_step = (gG-sG)/((UBound(arr_str_tangent)))
dbl_xB_step = (gB-sB)/((UBound(arr_str_tangent)))

aR = (gR-sR)/ (UBound(arr_str_tangent))^t
aG = (gG-sG)/ (UBound(arr_str_tangent))^t
aB = (gB-sB)/ (UBound(arr_str_tangent))^t

'with quadratic
R = sR + Round(aR * k^t)
G = sG + Round(aG * k^t)
B = sB + Round(aB * k^t)

Call Rhino.ObjectColor( str_tangent, RGB(R,G,B) )
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw( True )

October 25, 2010

from CATIA to Rhino

Simple script to create Rhino Layers by Color. This comes in handy when I'm working back and forth between Rhino and CATIA :) b

When I export geometry from CATIA, iges automatically puts ALL objects in ONE layer, but as long as different colors have been assigned to the geometries, I can separate them by using "select by color" command in Rhino.

I was preparing dxf file for TENSYL (minimal surface analysis software). TENSYL is hypersensitive about layer and geometry standards to run correctly. While troubleshooting the conversion problems from CATIA and Rhino, I did this "select by color" procedure sooooooo many times. I finally gave in and wrote this script.

October 14, 2010

Rhino Paneling Tool

久しぶりに Rhino Script。

Messing around with Rhino Paneling Tool. If I use EvaluateSurface method to assign points on surface, I cannot avoid non-even distribution of iso curves. (Well... WITHOUT reconstructing the surface.) Rhino Paneling tool has option to distribute points evenly on a surface.

Grid on a blue surface below is by Rhino Paneling Tool.
Grid on a white surface is by Rhino.EvaluateSurface.

Yet, using Rhino Paneling tool only comes with basic patterns and creating 2d patterns looked a bit hassle to me... then I ended up writing Rhino script to generate patterns I want.

Using Rhino Paneling Tool interactively only gives me an array of string points as return. And since ObjectByName method's return is an array -just in case there are items with identical names,- I needed to receive them as arr_str_pt(0).