技術経験の面で雲の上の存在のエンジニアの方が “プロジェクト用の Web アップした” とおっしゃるので sign-in してみると、まっしろ back に まっくろ Times New Roman で箇条書き、とか。ソフトを operate しているウィンドウから PrintScreen したものを (crop すらせずに) diagram として使っているとか。もう少し絵心といいますか ...Focus が違うのね、というギャップによく遭遇します。建築とフィールドはものすごく似ているのにね。
With a few arrangements, trees become Hanabi !! (Fireworks in Japanese) They are all generated from the same script, only by changing input numbers. The pointcloud on the left corner is geometrical inputs.
Playing around with the find closest script I posted previously, I have been growing bunch of trees. If I look only the final result, it looks sort of intimidating. But I start with the simple code like find closest, and kept adding more functions and intelligence. I also work this way when I have to figure out complicated powercopy.
If you look close, tangency of branches appear more smoothly in type02. This regards the order that code generates branches. It makes sense that more points the code takes into consideration in the beginning (like in type02), the more naturally tangency can grow.
I have to learn how to call function for some part of the script, otherwise, scripts I write are getting too long to post... If somebody is interested, please let me know.
Branching is defined by multiple closest points. Each Loop finds first closest, second closest, third closest, so on and so forth. I thought it would be cool to set a variable that defines how many closest point each target has to find, but I couldn't figure it out. Let's just start with recycling the same Loop over and over again.