January 14, 2008

Thesis Finally

In front of the print center door. Nice view up there.

I've lived in five different places in these five years. Love keep moving forward and leave piles of garbage behind. Same in SCI-Arc. Every semester, studio location changes and I throw away a lot of garbage, and then I feel being light and ready for a next step.


人は己をつづまやかにし おごりを退けて財をもたず 世をむさぼらざらむぞいみじかるべき。昔より 賢き人の富めるはまれなり。/徒然草十八段冒頭

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know exactly where that is
*twiddles fingers*.....
"come over danielle?"you say?...hmmm sure yuki, don't mind if i do.....