* this post was published after the work was opened for public
* images by IwamotoScott Architecture
Unfold 前と後で surface area が一定か否かをそのつど確認。
Coming up sci-arc exhibition by IwamotoScott Architecture. Buro Happold is consulting the installation.
Challenge for this installation is the exploration on the relationship between digital model and physical result. Each triangle shaped component is given three dimensional curvature by creasing the material. But since the installation is designed initially in Rhino, when unfolded in Rhino or CATIA, it gets pretty hard to create laser-cut patterns that guarantee the same surface curvature estimated in the original Rhino model.
Here is the completed installation.
June 29, 2008
June 28, 2008
Problem Area
normals are done manually
先日張り切って書いた Script。コンペ締め切り間際に “じゃあこれ、別バージョンで modeling して” って。そもそも CATIA で PowerCopy やっていたら Update するだけでよかったんだけど Geometry がシンプルなだけに Rhino でやってしまいました。待っていましたチャンス到来~!! そのためにスクリプト書いておいたんですから ♪
Run Script ...
ということで Input 直しました。
The problem was the method I obtained normal direction. There is a command available to draw a line "perpendicular to curve/ from first point," but there is no ScriptMethod equivalent to it. In the previous Script, normal concerns the accuracy (tolerance) of offset, therefore not stable. So it's easier to start with normal line already built in the model. When prompted, you have to select normal curves in order.
Here is the link to the updated script.
June 20, 2008
Finite Element Analysis
仕事楽しくやっております。SCI-Arc の Installation も進んでいますし、CATIA でPoweCopy のデザインしたり、昨日は初 scripting 。 こんなことやりたい... と思ってBHで働き始めて本当に “こんなこと” やらせてもらえるんですね。
Creating geometry for Finite Element Analysis (FEA). FEA is a computer simulation technique used in engineering analysis. It requires all the line geometries to be meeting at points. If you are Osnap-ing manually, there is high chance that you miss a couple. So, here it is. Out of spline and two offset splines, this script creates basic structure for a bridge.
The result looks simple, but ended up becoming the longest script I wrote. arrPoint and strPoint still confused me.
I have been producing practical scripts, that saves time and reduce error. No surprises. I would like to create some "affect" oriented scripts as well. Like the ones that sci-arc folks uses.
June 12, 2008
Instantiation Prep
Preparing for CATIA scripting. Following images are the tasks I have to perform to create SIX INPUTs geometries to instantiate the fins.
Geometry (from above):
D_gridVRT /D_gridHRZ
D_MidP /D_MidL
D_normalE /D_normalM
D_planeE /D_planeM
I_deg60 /I_deg30
Length.01Normal = 300mm
Real.finWidth 1.0 = 1
Real.03deg60 1.0 = 1
Angle.03deg60 = 60deg
Real.04deg30 1.0 = 1
Angle.04deg30 = -30deg
Geometry (from above):
D_gridVRT /D_gridHRZ
D_MidP /D_MidL
D_normalE /D_normalM
D_planeE /D_planeM
I_deg60 /I_deg30
Length.01Normal = 300mm
Real.finWidth 1.0 = 1
Real.03deg60 1.0 = 1
Angle.03deg60 = 60deg
Real.04deg30 1.0 = 1
Angle.04deg30 = -30deg
June 6, 2008
Quizlet ← 単語を覚えるのにものすごく便利なサイト
今思えば英語の勉強をはじめた頃は “この本意地でも全部読んでやる” と決めたら辞書を片手に単語ひとつ逃さず読破し、その際出てきた単語は書き出しておく ...というなんとも効率の悪いことしていたな。Spanish は逆から攻めます。“この本一冊知ってる単語しか読まない!” という意気込み。
文法も平行して勉強するに、ピックアップするものを限定して 第一章は動詞の活用と前置詞に注意。第二章は加えて現在過去未来を攻略、第三章で能動受動、第四章で関係代名詞 ...とやっていくのはどうでしょう。それでスペイン語版 星の王子様 ♪ 好きなお話ほど より丁寧に読みたくなる。
Leaning Spanish. Combination of Oxford Picture dictionary and Quizlet. Quizlet lets you make your sets of flashcards. You can print those out if you want, but the site is simply organized to flip through flashcards, so I don't see any need for printing them out. It's really efficient and I really like it so far. Coming up with "how to get better" strategies is the part of fun of leaning something new.
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