June 29, 2008

Unroll Surface in CATIA

* this post was published after the work was opened for public
* images by IwamotoScott Architecture

Unfold 前と後で surface area が一定か否かをそのつど確認

Coming up sci-arc exhibition by IwamotoScott Architecture. Buro Happold is consulting the installation.

Challenge for this installation is the exploration on the
relationship between digital model and physical result. Each triangle shaped component is given three dimensional curvature by creasing the material. But since the installation is designed initially in Rhino, when unfolded in Rhino or CATIA, it gets pretty hard to create laser-cut patterns that guarantee the same surface curvature estimated in the original Rhino model.

Here is the completed installation.

1 comment:

Sky said...

This is the kind of script we were trying to write for our curved surface project.