June 20, 2008

Finite Element Analysis

仕事楽しくやっております。SCI-Arc の Installation も進んでいますし、CATIA でPoweCopy のデザインしたり、昨日は初 scripting 。 こんなことやりたい... と思ってBHで働き始めて本当に “こんなこと” やらせてもらえるんですね。

Creating geometry for Finite Element Analysis (FEA). FEA is a computer simulation technique used in engineering analysis. It requires all the line geometries to be meeting at points. If you are Osnap-ing manually, there is high chance that you miss a couple. So, here it is. Out of spline and two offset splines, this script creates basic structure for a bridge.

The result looks simple, but ended up becoming the longest script I wrote. arrPoint and strPoint still confused me.

I have been producing practical scripts, that saves time and reduce error. No surprises. I would like to create some "affect" oriented scripts as well. Like the ones that sci-arc folks uses.

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