April 13, 2007

Construction Document

Done with Construction Doc! I really did everything in REVIT :) Actually, this was the C.D. I put together for my work. They use VectorWorks, so I traced the 3D model in REVIT again to reconstruct the sets of C.D. REVIT is pretty intuitive about everything I wanted to do in VectorWorks. It's a good feeling to get rid of seminars one by one with adequate attention and care. Now, only one more to go.

生後1ヵ月のボア♪友達のペット。爬虫類、両生類、嫌いじゃないです。あのひんやりした手触りと感情のこもっていない目。日本に行ってしまったSky のかわりに何かペットを飼えば?と最近言われますけど… 面倒見きれないよ。しばらく可愛がってた苔も枯れてしまったし。


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