September 26, 2007

Studio NOA


StudioNOA, the office I worked during summer 2006. One of their single family residence that I was involved got built at last. In Japan, as Thomas Daniell from FOBA mentioned in SCI-Arc lecture, city code of setback restriction is maniac. I heard many foreign architects who are not used to the code in Japan feel they can't do anything interesting especially in a city. This house came out great within the restriction.

建ちましたよ~!去年の夏にお手伝いしていた StudioNOA の杉並の家が完成しました :) StudioNOA では二人で回しているとは信じられないくらいの数が同時進行されていて、その上あの雑誌を見ました、とか○○町の○○邸を見て、など次々にクライアントから電話がかかってきて大忙しでした。建築事務所では同時進行といっても建設現場を8つも9つも掛け持つわけではなく、何件かはデザイン、もう何件かはクライアントとの話し合い、何件かは市の許可を申請中。そしてもう何件かは着工。という具合に進めていきます。その色々な段階がある中で、杉並の私がいた頃にデザインが始まり、着工を除いたほとんどの段階でチラチラと覗かせてもらい、おまけにコンペに応募するところまでやらせてもらったので完成の写真を心待ちにしていました。


September 23, 2007

San Francisco

San Francisco Federal Building/ Morphosis

De Young museum/ Herzog & de Meuron

Field trip to San Francisco to visit SFMoMA and walked around the city for chinese dumplings. And following Tuesday, someone from Morphosis came to BIM class for lecture. The content happened to be the Usage of BIM software in construction of San Francisco Federal Building that I just saw. They even showed us yet-built competition wining scheme and scripting knowledge behind the project.

Those lectures are priceless. Without them we'll end up just a-little-bit-smarter CAD monkeys (draft persons in a office). But some people take advantage of the BIM class in a way that they think they get better at CATIA or REVIT just showing up on class. If someone just wants to learn the usage and concept of those softwares (maybe those who are interested in project management or something), that's fine, but if s/he wants to get better at them on top, class meetings and lectures are different from lab hours.

September 20, 2007

Geometry Freak

Here is a random model I made in CATIA using excel spread sheet. Whenever I do this sort of field condition geometry, somebody asks me whether each parameter is linked to each cell of spread sheet. No, I'm not even sure if CATIA allows that. It is that I'm just organized enough to instantiate PowerCopy in order so that I use excel's single column to do the field condition.

Since I started using CATIA, my geometry controlling skill has gotten freakier and freakier. Even making random curve in Illustrator, the results look like as if I did them via scripting. No, seriously I do things manually but I'm still a control freak.

September 19, 2007

Graduate Thesis

Since the end of summer nothing had really happened. I had been waiting for grad thesis people to graduate so that my studio can take over thesis pit (of my dream).





Big five

Congratulations :)

September 10, 2007

End of Summer

Roxanne, Dylan were in town. Sky is back from Kyoto. Roommates reunion for a moment before going back to each responsible academic life. Being young, cannot stay in a comfortable spot no matter how I like it. I miss them and Holliston ...but I know at least I get to keep one of them for now.

September 9, 2007

Once upon a time

信じるというのは、お前を信じてる、何があっても信じてるという約束ごとではなくて自分と対等もしくはそれ以上の能力を持つ者にもっとさりげなく stable に寄せられる心持ちであったはず。

バレーボール。高校一年の新人戦。いい試合だった、としか記憶に残っていないのに久しぶりにDVDを 観てみると本当に恥ずかしい。楽しそうなのはいっこうに構わないんですけど、我慢がきかず、セッターへのパスには丁寧さのかけらもなく、常にさっさと前衛 までまわしてオイシイトコどりするのが待ちきれない気持ちだけでワクワクしているのが傍目にもバレバレなうえに、ここはエースだ、頼むから!ってあがってくるボールの重みなどイザ知らず、ウデ振り回しムダに跳びまわり、勝手にハイになっているこのお荷物に、それでもチームはボールを運んでくれていた気がする。



思い返せば 2回の BEST8。高校バレーは楽しかったです。