February 5, 2008

Something Flowerly


Here is my recent progress in Rhino Scripting. Finally comfortable with array concept. The script in the picture is a good example of "copy-and-paste" script I would call. Within a huge "For... Next" loop, commands are simply copied and pasted from Rhino Script Samples. My only job is to make sure if Inputs and Outputs are consistent.

At one point, Rotate command required arrAxis as an Input, which is different from "a Line." arrAxis is a "3d Vector," which doesn't have any geometry. "a Line" is a string, or object identifier. I got tricked by it for a while. Can I really get hands on CATIA scripting by graduation doing things like this...?

Here is the link to the script.


Anonymous said...

nice florals....

p.s. such a fan of your blog lately late at night..good show:)you stimulate my brain waves

yukie hirashima said...

late at night...?
I know you visit my blog every five seconds :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh you're right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i have a diseaaase!! its called yuki....i desperately searched high and low for the antidote recipe...and when i found it, i burned it. annddd then i checked your blog again...which by the way is on my "favorites"