October 24, 2008
LIVE WIRE, sciarc gallery opening by OylerWu Collaborative.
Network of 1" diameter aluminum pipes -looking challenging enough to stand up on its own weight- are linking the floor level up to the walkway above the gallery space. The stair portion and wing portion are structurally independent from each other, yet all the looping pipes weave together, so live load transfers to the entire piece and vibrate the spanning wings. I think LIVE WIRE is matching name. I have been calling this piece "stairs" the whole time though.
Hardest thing for me was to prepare a CATIA model for two different purposes: one for engineering analysis and the other for fabrication. The former requires to all the bars start and end at points (point to point) to visualize the load path and deformation, while the latter has to consider offset for pipe thickness and fillet at corners.
LIVE WIRE in progress.
Working on angle optimization.
階段部分と羽 (のような) 部分の構造は互いに独立していますが実際にのぼりおりしてみると羽の部分が揺れるので、LIVE WIRE とはなんとも面白いタイトルだとは思います。 が、構造が stable ではないみたいに聞こえて BH からみたら笑えないタイトルなんではないかな、と思いました。エンジニア達は誰もそんなことに気にしていない様子だったけれども。
October 21, 2008
Pattern Distribution
Research project on thermo bi-metal with DoSu Studio.
The problem is paracloud uniformly stretches a pattern to distribute it over grid, so a user -as far as I know- do not have control over HOW one unit should be aggregated. In this case, a pattern has start and goal condition and has to modify itself gradually.
Image1 shows how paracloud create undesirable configuration.
Image2 shows how a unit should be aggregated over the surface.
October 18, 2008
PowerCopy Automation
やっとやっと poweCopy script 制覇っ!
いえ、BH に最近来た installation を CATIA でやろうと思っていたのです。が、powerCopy に時間がかかりすぎるということで paracloud user に持っていかれそうだったのです。scripter のはしっくれとして黙っているわけにはいかず、あわてて習得したところ。必要に迫られると伸びるものですね。
Fabric pattern completed via powerCopy Automation. Method is the following three steps →
STEP1. BeginInstanceFactory: to initialize the InstanceFactory with the reference and the document where it is stored. This step must be called once at the beginning whatever the number of instantiations are done.
STEP2. It is composed of five methods that must be called in the order. This set of five methods can be called in a loop in order to make several instantiations.
a. The method BeginInstantiate: to initialize all data of the reference.
b. The method PutInputData: to set a value to any input.
c. The method GetParameter: to retrieve published parameter.
d. The method Instantiate: to recreate the reference.
e. The method EndInstantiate: to indicate the instantiation is done.
STEP3. EndInstantiateFactory: to end instantiation and cleaning the InstanceFactory. When doing several instantiations in a loop, this step must be called just once at the end of all instantiations.
The original design (physical model) of the pattern.
The geometrical performance of the pattern (in CATIA).
October 7, 2008
Atsushi さん、やっと出来上がりました~。
Wrote series of functions to set boundaries for point cloud selection. For the sake of changing colors, return is currently string points, but it's easy to change the result to array points, or even both.
INPUT: str point cloud, str target point, dbl to set a boundary
RETURN: string (or array) points within a boundary
Link to cube boundary function.
Link to cylinder boundary function.
Link to sphere boundary function.
Link to partial sphere boundary function.
Link to cone boundary function.
Thanks Satoru.
Wrote series of functions to set boundaries for point cloud selection. For the sake of changing colors, return is currently string points, but it's easy to change the result to array points, or even both.
INPUT: str point cloud, str target point, dbl to set a boundary
RETURN: string (or array) points within a boundary
Link to cube boundary function.
Link to cylinder boundary function.
Link to sphere boundary function.
Link to partial sphere boundary function.
Link to cone boundary function.
Thanks Satoru.
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