October 18, 2008

PowerCopy Automation

やっとやっと poweCopy script 制覇っ!

いえ、BH に最近来た installation を CATIA でやろうと思っていたのです。が、
powerCopy に時間がかかりすぎるということで paracloud user に持っていかれそうだったのです。scripter のはしっくれとして黙っているわけにはいかず、あわてて習得したところ。必要に迫られると伸びるものですね。

Fabric pattern completed via powerCopy Automation. Method is the following three steps →

STEP1. BeginInstanceFactory: to initialize the InstanceFactory with the reference and the document where it is stored. This step must be called once at the beginning whatever the number of instantiations are done.

STEP2. It is composed of five methods that must be called in the order. This set of five methods can be called in a loop in order to make several instantiations.

a. The method BeginInstantiate: to initialize all data of the reference.
b. The method PutInputData
: to set a value to any input.
c. The method GetParameter
: to retrieve published parameter.
d. The method Instantiate
: to recreate the reference.
e. The method EndInstantiate
: to indicate the instantiation is done.

STEP3. EndInstantiateFactory
: to end instantiation and cleaning the InstanceFactory. When doing several instantiations in a loop, this step must be called just once at the end of all instantiations.

The original design (physical model) of the pattern.
The geometrical performance of the pattern (in CATIA).

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