July 12, 2007

Backyard Structure

Structure engineers finished their part of the drawing, and the backyard is submitted to the city today. Cannot wait for plan checkers to mark up the set and give it back to me. Bring it on! Plan check correction is a tedious process, but my craftsmanship fires not only for model making but also for C.D. sets. By the end of summer, I might be able to pull building permit for two projects: second floor addition and the backyard.

Also entertained by the engineer's drawings. They didn't seem as intense as I thought before, because I gave architectural drawings to engineers.

architect's drawing


プロジェクトが着々と進んでいます。以前 模型の写真
をのせた Deck の Structure Engineer による図面があがってきたのでロサンゼルス市に無事提出しました。お役所はこの釘が3㎝短いだの、敷地境界からもう30cm離さなきゃいけないだの、信じられないくらい煩わしいけど、望むところです。もしかしたら夏休み終わりまでに、2つもプロジェクトの許可をもらえるかもしれない。学生のうちに責任のある仕事をするチャンスがあると自信になる。やっぱり手には職だと思う。

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