March 28, 2008


何かまたSCI-Arc のギャラリーに面白いものができました。ゆるやかな放物線状に吊るされているので、人が通って風がおこるたびに何百の蝶々が羽を動かしているように見えます。

Current installation at SCI-Arc by Elena Manferdini. This two-and-half dimensional installation hangs in relaxed catenary curve.
Diffused light casts delicate shadows on concrete floor. After the Dragonfly installation, Elena's Merletti reminds me of butterfly wings. As people walk through, hundreds of black wings flaps in viewer's eye level, so they can appreciate connection details and materiality. Really nice.

1 comment:

Victorytea said...

beautiful! i have to give you guys a ring sometime, i'm actually around your turf quite often.