December 31, 2007


spring18ticket AD

幸福論 /椎名林檎

♪ 時の流れと空の色に何も望みはしない様に
(でもこの人 “空” だからな...)

♪ 素顔で泣いて笑う君のそのままを愛している故に

♪ あたしは君のメロディーやその哲学や言葉、全てを信じ通します
(私は君の多くの趣味や その集中力や気まぐれの全てを...)

♪ 君が其処に生きているという真実だけで幸福なんです

(Translation of the original lyrics...)
You cry and smile so frankly.
Who can want more from passing time and blue sky.
That melody, philosophy, and poetry are part of your nature.
Just stay alive to keep me happy.

高校時代はずっと親友の姿に重ねて歌っていたのにいつのまにか彼にすり変わっていました。サビのアタマが “空” じゃしょうがないかな。

そばかす /Judy and Marry

♪ そばかすの数をかぞえてみる
♪ 汚れたぬいぐるみ 抱いて
♪ 胸をさす トゲは 消えないけど
♪ カエルちゃんも ウサギちゃんも 笑ってくれるの

トカゲちゃぁ~んも ムカデちゃぁ~んも 笑ってくれるの~ぉ


ミミズちゃぁ~んも ナマズちゃぁ~んも♪ と機嫌よく続けてました。

December 24, 2007


Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday!

Found it! Found it!! Found it!!!!!
Thanks ebay♪


Found 2007 Moomin stamps booklet! I have pretty good stamp collections and have all the moomin stamps that Finland ever published. Didn't know they've issued one for 2007.

I sometimes talk with Sky about what brings fantasy up to the state of art. And we both agree with the careful and deep sense of world setting does. He always brings up Lord of the Ring, which I've never read, and I defend Harry Potter, to which he is not willing to give some credit. I've been a big fan of Moomin Valley, but never thought about bringing it up to him.

Moomin Valley is written by Tove Jansson and illustrated by her younger brother Lars Jansson. Majority of the stories take place within a small beautiful valley, in which Moomin Troll, his friends and family are peacefully hanging out. Highly philosophical concept, unique characters, and beautiful description of nature have enchanted me since I was little.







December 22, 2007


先日母と長電話。思うところがありまして翌日 Little Tokyo の紀伊国屋に走り、TOEIC 過去問なるものを購入致しました。さて何点くらい取れるものなのでしょうか???ふむ、Listening100問、Reading100問マークシートというえらく単純な構成です。CDから始めるのも億劫だったので Reading から取りかかりました。せっかくですからキッチリ時間はかっていきましょう。

チッ チッ チッ チッ チッ ......


Reading 96/100
Listening 92/100

現在は Speaking と Writing もありますからわかりませんが、2006年度までのスコア換算表を参考にすると 930-985 だそうです。ナカナカの好成績♪ 途中ちょっと余裕を感じ、こうなればブログのネタにしてしまおうと思い、問題を解きながら分析開始。



Q: Who's working on revising the report?
a) Not before the holidays for sure.
b) I don't know if it's been assigned.
c) Yes, he's a good reporter.

と流れ、c) を聞くなり Who is HE? って余裕でツッコミ (だって日本では今夜M-1...) してましたが、そのような単発問題も呑んでかかると意外と辛かった。後半の長文リスニングだと一文落としても埋め合わせできますが、

What Why When Where Who How (5W 1H) をするっと聞き落とすとその問題はアウトです。Is ...? Are ...? Do ...? Does ...? も落としてしまうと選択肢が結構嫌らしくてカンでは修復不可能。電車の出発駅 通過駅 到着駅ばっちり抑えて... さて何線の電車だったでしょ~うか!

哀愁にひたっているとドミノ式に次の3問が狂います。シッカリ開き直って、Question ### to ###, refer to the following speech... と出題者が言っている3秒の間に、落としたら負けの 5W 1H Questions があるかだけを確認してしまえば残りのジェネラルな設問には焦らず答えられます。

長文の場合出題者は文章に続き、問題も選択肢も読んでくれますが、大抵の人は簡潔な英文を (出題者がゆっくりはっきり読み上げるよりは) 速く読むので、そこは聞きながしペースメーカーとします。ここでも各問い2秒ほど稼ぎ次を読む時間に当てます。聞く/聞かない の切り替えが重要です。

December 16, 2007

Favorite Quote

夏目漱石 /硝子戸の中





無事冬休み突入です。そういえば今学期はFinal 直前でも規則正しい生活をキープできた。いつもこんな風に提出日に怯えず、心乱すもの無く淡々と作業が出来れば良いのですが、どうしても手が止まる時もあります。過去に味わった素晴しい睡眠はそんな時な~んの助けにもなりません。前の時も乗り越えられた。足さえ止めなければここを突破できる。そう言い聞かせてコツコツと片付けていくしかない。でも、自分を信用できるのは心強いものです。

December 14, 2007

Testa Final

Finally finished the last studio for me @SCI-Arc. I have been pretty productive over last couple of weeks. So I'm feeling great, having three parties in a raw on this weekend. Anyway, David and Ian just graduated. For the rest of us, another thesis semester to go.


Peter Testa Quote
- If you ignore something, it'll show up later and bites you harder.
- Radical includes Possible.

December 4, 2007

Linda Vista Hospital


近所に条件がぴったりのサビレタ建物がありました♪ 昔は病院だったそうです。そして今は映画の撮影用 (古びた病院だけに、主に監獄シーンやホラー映画) に開放されています。昼間でもちょっと怖かったもん。撮影隊の皆さんは各々忙しそうで、私が一人うろちょろしていてもお咎めはありませんでした。卒業設計は老人ホーム × 幼稚園、リノベーションプロジェクトでいきたいと思います。

OMG! Can't be better. I found the perfect site for my up coming thesis just down the street from my apartment. The other day I just drove by the site with Sky, t
hought very interesting. So I went back today to see what's going on.

The building looks beaten up. Many windows are left shattered. But people kept come in and out actively. I found that the building was once a hospital and abandoned, now is open to filming. Walked around the building a bit, and even got the floor plans.

Hollenbeck Park right across the street. It will be a nice nursing house x kinder garden renovation project.

December 3, 2007


Yes!!!!!! Finally simplified down to SIX INPUTs instantiation!

This Digital Project Model was to imitate (sorry, just looks...) the model Sky made. He
made cuts into layers of thin material so that it stretches and permeate diffused light.

December 2, 2007

Thesis Prep Final

Thesis prep final.

Forget about "the concept", "the theme", "the methodology".
It seemd like everyone liked my model...

November 25, 2007


Thesis prep concept model. We have the final in about a week. I'm not sure if I can finish what I'm doing here. I modeled a polygon lattice in Maya with multiple deformers. In Rhino, I developed a script that allows me to select those lines in order to lay them out. I printed those lines and cut wood sticks accordingly.

NO measuring! Saved my ass.

Here is the link to the script.
Here is the completed model.

November 24, 2007

Rejected Proposal

new pattern/ facade application

generated curvature

spiral gives consistent uni-directional curves

Second stage for Testa studio was to apply the curve fold for facade system. The new pattern gives sensible subtle curve, but structurally it was not convincing, which resulted in Peter and Devyn yelling at me on a review. Good thing for me is that I still have the eggshell to work on. Construction, detail, thermo-dynamics, and much more to come... sigh =3

stress map
(Rhino Surface Analysis)

fabrication strategy
(finding overlaps)

November 18, 2007

Figure Drawing

fifth week

third week

first week

I just finished Sat. morning Figure Drawing Workshop. The instructor said that he'll teach again next semester! It's pretty helpful and inspiring.
I had been to a couple of sessions but not the ones with instructions. Before, I was embarrassed to draw a FACE because I know that it'll turn out horrible. But the workshop got me up to the level that I can keep going. No stress because it's just for fun. As long as my slight confidence makes me feel that I've been improving, motivation itself will push me even further.

毎週土曜に通っていたデッサンのワークショップ終了。三週間で裸婦らしきものを捉えたものの顔が描けませんでしたが、四週目“顔”、五週目“影” のクラスを終えてなんとか素人芸に毛が生えました。それらしくなってきました。上達するのは楽しいです。プロポーションはまだまだ練習が必要ですが、ラインのクオリティーがすごく良いと言われます。昔、書道をやっていたことに関係があるのでしょうか?

November 12, 2007


Sky was invited to his friends' wedding and I ended up going as a translator. The groom's parents gave me their comments beforehand, but I had to translate bride's parents' comments into English at the last minutes. Whatever the case was, translator better act confident.

Doing last minutes work translating Japanese comments to English.

Skyの友人の結婚式にて通訳のお仕事 (←念願っ!!?) 通訳と建築はどう関連付
ければよいのでしょうか。興味があるのだから仕方が無いという状況です。ただ通訳は、目に見えるものに相、対するので戦いがいがある気がします。コンセプトとかテーゼとか論拠ではなしに。結果が欲しいと思って結果をだす。知らぬは通訳ばかり、という状況も多々あるでしょう。出番以外は影のように大人しくしている。それでも “訳された日本語がとても綺麗でした” と言って頂けると冥利に尽きます。

フォーマルな服のヒトソロエも無く、慌てて初スーツを買って参りました。それにしても24にして未だにお化粧の嗜みもあらぬド素人です。ここはもう SCI-Arc の先輩、Ai さんにSOS。プロ並みの手際よさで私の髪を巻き、結い上げてゆく彼女の指の滑らかなこと、細いこと。お願いしたわりに往生際悪くチークは要らない、下まつげにマスカラは要らない、とごねる私を上手いこと丸めこんで見事にフルメイクです(照)


November 1, 2007

That Rainy Day

徹夜した翌日朝寝坊を決め込む。“朝寝坊” ですらないです、起きたら起き。差し引きゼロですな。季節の変わり目の朝には空想が飾り立てた思い出が時間相応に風化した過去として胸に届く。


物心ついてから部活を始めるまで私は図書館に入り浸っていた。お気に入りの窓際の席でまる一日を過ごした。友達が家に遊びに来ると母は図書館じゃないかしら、という。そう言われて “またかよ~” と迎えに来た彼らの顔を覚えている。こっちも “またかよ~” と思い遊びに行く。小学生の間に世界中の昔話と空想小説は大久保図書館にある限り読み尽くした。

休日に家にいたのだからあれは私が小学生の時のことだと思う。図書館で面白い本が見つかりわくわくしていた。いつもは制限いっぱいでなくては何かもったいなくて 10冊借りるのにその日は選りすぐりの10冊。朝から重い曇り空ではあったけど運良く私が家に帰った途端に降りだした。音をたてて降る雨に閉じ込められる 感じが好きで、即ソファーに陣取って読み始めた。確か魔女の話だったと思う。しばらくして母が帰ってきた。妹が二階から下りてきた。父は仕事、弟はどこかに遊びに行っていた。母はケーキを買ってきたらしく “じゃあ女三人で食べましょうか” と言う。


母の秘密めいた言い方に惹かれ本を閉じ、雨のせいで薄暗い午後の居間でケーキを食べる。続きが読みたくてたまらない本と降り込められた我が家。運良く雨を逃れた自分。そして “女三人” のケーキ。それ以上欲しい物は考えつかなかったので私は “あ、幸福だ。” と思った。というお話でした。

October 20, 2007

Dark Side of the Moon

What a cool concept "The Dark Side of the Moon". Current exhibition @SCI-Arc gallery by Michael Maltzan.



came out great and presentation went well. It was very productive yet easy going final for me. The team work well together because we trust each other's different strength.

October 17, 2007

Testa Studio

Testa Studio。ストラクチャーを提案。かなづちもロクに使えない若造に新しいストラクチャー (より軽く、より早い) を提案せよ、とは。でも文句を言ってないで三人寄れば何か出てくる。プラスチックで Origami をやるとこうなる。あらかじめミシン目のようにプラスチックにカットを入れておいて熱した鉄の縁に押し当て、ゆっくりと折っていきます。こういうどろ臭い作業大好き♪

Doing Origami with plastic for Testa Studio. Lighter and more efficient structure. Informal fabrication on site with unskilled labor (even though I'm so proud that I completed the model without giving it up...) We give sheets of plastic strength and intelligence to perform as structure. Automorphism is a critical concept for our proposal, where each components perform differently depending on the neighbors. The completed structure is in tension and if I cut one of their arms, entire unit blasts open.

Heating a styrene sheet along crease lines.

Connecting components.

Completed modules. 14units (left), 22 units (right)

October 13, 2007

Density Field

Material and Application opening for the new installation by OylerWu Colaborative. Soon after people noticed the firm's entry to the current issue of architectural record. It has been a spacial month for them. Density Field is a network of structure that no column and beams are taking the major structural force. ( the way, the steel bar sculpture stands without the subsidizing wires.) So there wasn't a hierarchy in construction sequence. The nest of steel bars kept twisting and turning 'til the very last piece locked into its place.

Walking through this dense network of structure, the cleanness of joints got people's attention. They broke down 3-D joints into 2-D intersections by placing a plane at each connection, and made a zig to assure the accurate and minimum welding.
The craftsmanship of the piece is amazing.

October 3, 2007

Thesis Precedents


Charles Eamus's Case Study House #8 puts and end to the series of argument regarding the ideal way of practicing architecture. William Morris, Jean Prouve, and Pierre Chareau are the precedents of Charles Eamus who insisted the importance of being able to provide method and means of construction. They pursuit it not through a theoretical idealism, but through each practical business model.

Tom Wiscombe's Dragonfly is a highly sophisticated installation whose process -from morphology through engineering to fabrication- employed the multiple advanced softwares. The project is an experiment on design sensibility, engineering innovation, and fabrication logic in a contemporary digital environment where these disciplines have become enmeshed like never before.

Recently completed Kieran Timberlake's Loblolly House is an recognized example of taking advantages of BIM softwares for a small scale project. Not because simply inspired by the current technologies, a desire of architects to better understand the building and its elements led to the application of BIM as a tool for the design, development, fabrication, and assembly of the house.


Najarian Residence that Steven Institute of technology was involved is an example where the usage of available digital technology links directly to an interesting business scheme. Although developer-involved project initiated the top-down strategy, Najarian Residence is one of the first example where tempting and reckless usage of BIM software came true.

In 1999, FOBA (Katsu Umebayashi) established a subsidiary company to provide an alternative housing “brand”: FOB Homes, because of which FOBA came to be recognized as pre-fab practitioners even though their proposal was rather spatial and aesthetic concepts. FOB Homes Typologies is an interesting example of architectural practice where architect sells sets of strategy as products.

Hitoshi Abe's Kanno Museum is an example of interesting rule-based architecture although he doesn't intend to implant the project on different sites. Not only the strategy itself, the challenging form as a result became possible with the usage of multiple softwares. Details of the project as well worth attention in that Hitoshi Abe, as a designer, provided the method and means of construction.

Ray Kappe's Kappe Residence is a complete example of integrating structural strategy and sensible outcome. His tactics are efficient and convincing, at the same time, his care and attention to each project is deeply profound. People see comprehensive theme throughout Ray Kappe's different projects, yet any one of those projects seems complete and well crafted specifically for a certain site and clients.

Tokujin Yoshioka's House Moving Project is an interesting example where the hierarchy of the structure and design elements is reversed in terms of driving and driven relationships. Components of the old structure is kept to initiate the design of the new house. Through the process of literally moving a house, beautiful Japanese woodworks are to remain and establish a story and grammar of the new space.